Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Iglesia Cristiana Congregacional de Mazatlan

I know that I have been posting too many collages recently, but this deserves one more! Normally I do not attend church regularly except when I'm in Mazatlan. Iglesia Cristiana has exceptional music performed by volunteer Mexican, American, and Canadian musicians at its 8:30 am Sunday service. The music is heavenly!


b.c. said...

it must be amazing to have so many instruments being played at the service

Olivier said...

c'est superbe, j'aime beaucoup quand pendant les messes, il y a des chanteurs qui viennent.

It is superb, and I love when for the masses, there are singers who come.

Peter said...

I must admit that if I occasionally go to a church, it's to see the beauty of it and / or to listen to music. There are so many nice concerts given in churches here in Paris and normally with more people attending than during the mass. I feel mostly a specific atmosphere around music in a church!

Anonymous said...

These are very nice portraits, Kate. I like them.

I also wanted to thank you for deciding to come to my birds blog.

I will probably have to stop one of my blogs as it is just too much work to visit everyone. Like you I will work or concentrate on a few and forget the rest.

I have also found that, since I joined the daily city group, and having posted and visited almost everyone every day for nearly a year, except some I refused to visit, that only a handful of them return the visits. I don't know why that is but it is that way. At least for me.

marley said...

I'm not a Church goer, but the music is always good at Church. Nice collection of images.

Pat said...

What a lovely photo! I wonder what part of Canada these folks were from?

I would certainly appreciate your posting a condolence message in my blogs today for the wife of a good blogger friend...


Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

wish I could have heard it!