Monday, February 19, 2007

CONTEST! The first person who identifies what this object is AND its use will receive a postcard from Mazatlan!!


Olivier said...

je dirais une lampe......
celui qui a fait cela, est tres tres patient ;o)

I would say a lamp ......
that which did that, is very very patient ;O)

Deb said...

hmmmm....I'm guessing it's a table-top lamp. And if it isn't, it would make for a very nice table-top lamp!

Oya said...

Those are see shelfs I think. It will used as a lamp?

isa said...

Should you title your post "seashell basket"? Are they used for water? Don't really know...But it is an impressive ball and one that requires a lot of work, I assume ;-)

Kate said...

Every once in awhile, I really misjudge the difficulty of a contest; amazed that 3 of you got it immediately!! Okay Olivier, Chis-Db and Oya send me your snail mail address so I can send you some postcards. It is indeed a lamp!

Anonymous said...

Wow, imagine all the work that went into this lamp. I would love to see it lit with the light shining through those shells.

Anonymous said...

I would have agreed with Isabella's guess and I thought the winners were way off with their guess of a lamp. So your contest sure fooled me.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I'm a little late. I was thinking a lamp too. I bet it looks pretty cool when it's on! It's cool enough when it's not. I think shell art is fun.

Anonymous said...

I was going to a candle holder.

Kate said...

LLady, The tour included 6 houses, ranging from small to large. Homeowners were both Gringos and Mexicans. All were different; all were lovely. My favorite was the restored Women's Jail because it was the smallest and the one that would be closest to what I would or could own. The others were larger and some were more thanjust palatial. Almost everything thing I have paid to attend here this year and in previous years have a charitable component to art: tours, art galleries, concerts, plays, etc. That's one of the things I love about being here and tasting the culture.

Kate said...
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Jazzy said...

it looks like a vase to me.
what a brilliant object whatever it is Kate.

Jazzy said...

oh it's a lamp, of course ;)

Annie said...

Did anyone win yet? It's surely either a lamp or a vase made from the little shells.

photowannabe said...

I'm way beyond being late for the guessing but I thought it was a very unusual lamp. Your cultural tour has been very fascinating and enjoyable.

Kala said...

this thing is reallllly kewl looking - wow - look at alll the shells!!!

hmm I will have to say its a candle thingy =P although it seems a little too large for that but that is my guess =)

Kala said...

hahaha I just read the answer - very nice lamp!

edwin s said...

I know I'm late with this one but doesnt matter. I love it! It looks like a disco/mirrorball that should be hung from the ceiling with lights illuminating from it. Just brilliant! Did you make it?

Oya said...

yuppiiii, I won a postcard....:)

Kate said...

If Olivier, Chris, and Oya go to my profile and send me their snail mail addresses, I'll send you each a Mazatlan postcard!

Anonymous said...

I also thought it was a lamp, a lamp made of a sort of sea snails? And I bet it is well-suited for houses, cottages or resorts at the beach!

It's a pity it was a bit late, for having a postcard as well... :S

kuanyin333 said...

Darned...I got to your post too late to get in on the action. Oh well, next time....nice photo!

Ming the Merciless said...

I know I'm late and you already said it's a lamp. But my first thought was a vase.