Images of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo are everywhere, or so it seems. Shopping bags in the Mercado are only one of the many objects that show her portrait (or try to duplicate it!). She is a much-loved twentieth century painter, and I believe that her reputation may now have surpassed that of her husband, Diego Riviera.
No doubt helped by that wonderful movie!
There is a stunning decor shop in Johannesburg called Hadeda that has tons of paintings of her, there must be people who spend their whole day churning out copies of her self portraits, as you say, some more successful than others!
I have read at least four books on Frida, I have the film on DVD...! A fantastic destiny!
What a novel idea. Portraits on shopping bags. Ugh....well maybe not. I dread thinking about George W. Bush on my grocery store bags.
I have not seen the film but I'm going to do!
Hi Kate-I bought that same bag when I was in Loreto Baja last year. Wherever I carry it--it is a great conversation starter--so many people admire Frida in the states too.
Much better looking than Diego :-)
je en connais pas Frida, mais je trouve ce sac très beau.
I know of no Frida, but I find this beautiful bag.
Adore her and her work. Some lady. I bought a print - one of her self-portraits - from a street vendor in Manhattan and it's framed and hanging on a wall. I just love it. Just a cheap and cheerful print but her colours and talent were amazing.
I think she is famous all over the world.
Thank you for your comment on ABC - yes it is going to continue from A again next week
Love her work!
Did you buy the bag?
Your photos of Mexico are really superb, Kate.
Nice shot Kate! We are looking forward to seeing this sight in less than two months!
Lovely pic kate. I have to admit I don't appreciate her art all that much. I thought her husbands work was much better.
Ah, Frida....I will post a little Frida for you in a few days, if I can make it work! Have seen a couplke of wonderful exhibitions - one in Sydney, a photographic exhibition at the national Portrait gallery in London, and of course the fabulous richness of works in Mexico City.
Good for Frida! It's about time her work is considered more important and impressive than Diego's.
Ming, don't underestimate Diego, maybe quite political, but he was - also - a fantastic artist!
il y avait un tres bel article sur Frida Kahlo dans un journal français "Liberation"
There was a very nice article about Frida Kahlo in a french newspaper "Liberation"
Just dropping by, Kate. I adored the movie with Salma Hayek playing Frida.
I love Frida Kahlo and I also loved that movie about her life with Selma Hayek
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