Monday, March 16, 2009

Mexican writer

People of literature can be found in the most unlikely places. Senor Torres is a gentle, kindly man who owns and operates a tienda next to the English Reading Library where I volunteer once-a-week. Much to my surprise and delight I discovered that he is a published author. Behind him you can see the titles of the books he has written.


Olivier said...

beau portait d'un homme que l'on sent heureux et fier
nice hit of a man whom they smell happy and proud

PeterParis said...

So wonderful portraits, this man and the "working woman"! Nice to see how you meet the local people!

It may be worth for you to go by car, at least once, although it's far! :-)

Denton said...

Kate, I enjoy how you introduce us to the people of Mazatlan ... Also, I admire the dedication it takes to publish ... bravo Senor Torres.